Addison Office

(630) 543-0607

Burbank Office

(708) 599-0050​

Willowbrook office

(630) 969-2807

Eye Care Center LTD

(888) 899-0816

Cataract FAQs

Many eye doctors consider cataracts to be a natural part of the aging process. The older you become, the greater your risk of developing this eye condition. These FAQs from The Eye Care Center LTD, serving residents in Addison, Burbank, Willowbrook, and the surrounding communities explain more about cataract causes, symptoms, and treatment.


What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts occur when the lens of your eye becomes opaque or cloudy, making it difficult for you to see clearly. Cataracts generally form over time, which is why this condition is more often found in elderly people. Left untreated, cataracts can cause blindness. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 42 percent of blindness cases in the world are caused by cataracts.

What Signs Indicate I May Have Cataracts?

In their early stages, cataracts are so faint or small you may have no symptoms. As your cataracts grow, they will begin to interfere with your vision, causing such symptoms as blurred vision, appearance of halos around light, sensitivity to light, distorted vision, and an inability to distinguish colors.

How Are Cataracts Diagnosed?

Your Addison/Burbank/Willowbrook optometry specialist can diagnose cataracts during an eye exam. By scheduling regular eye exams, your eye doctor can monitor your condition to see if it’s affecting your sight. The effects of mild cataracts can often be countered with prescription eyewear so you can continue to enjoy good vision. Once eyeglasses are not effective in improving your sight, your optometry specialist may recommend cataract surgery.

When Should I Have Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is often recommended when cataracts start to seriously affect your vision. Once your condition makes it difficult to perform daily tasks such as driving, watching TV, using a computer, etc., it’s time to consider surgery. Cataract surgery offers a more permanent solution to curing cataracts and restoring your vision.

Is Cataract Surgery Dangerous?

Advancements in cataract surgery have made this procedure fairly common in the U.S. and it poses very little chance of risk to patients.  

How Soon Can I Return to Work after Having Cataract Surgery?

That depends on your work environment. If you work indoors in a clean, hygienic environment, you can often return to work in a few days. If you work outdoors, it’s best to wait a week or so to avoid the risk of infections. You will be given prescription eye drops to help with healing after surgery. We also recommend you avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activities, and splashing water in your eyes for the first week following cataract surgery.

See Your Addison/Burbank/Willowbrook Optometry Specialist for Cataract Treatment

To learn more about cataract diagnosis and treatment, Call our  Addison location at (630) 543-0607, Burbank office at (708) 599-0050 and Willowbrook office at(630) 969-2807 at your earliest convenience. We look forward to meeting your eye care needs.

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