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(630) 543-0607

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(708) 599-0050​

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(630) 969-2807

Eye Care Center LTD

(888) 899-0816

Conditions Treated

Our The Eye Care Center LTD Discusses Common Eye Conditions

Most people suffer from various eye conditions at one time or another. Although some conditions are relatively easy to treat, others require special care. If you notice any changes in your vision, don’t make assumptions. Instead, consult your eye doctor. At The Eye Care Center LTD, we provide high-quality and affordable eye care services in Addison, Burbank, and Willowbrook. Here are five common eye conditions. 

Woman getting an eye exam Eyestrain 

Eyestrain develops when your eyes tire from intense use, like reading, driving long distances and staring at computer screens or other digital appliances.  Eyestrain isn’t serious and goes away when you reduce discomfort or rest your eyes. However, its signs and symptoms can be a sign of other underlying eye conditions. As such, it’s advisable to consult your eye doctor if symptoms persist. 

Symptoms of Eyestrain 

  • Burning, itching, sore or tired eyes 
  • Dry or watery eyes 
  • Blurred vision 
  • Increased light sensitivity 
  • Difficulty concentration 
  • Sore back, neck or shoulders 
  • Difficulty keeping an eye open 

Red Eyes 

Red eyes can occur when the blood vessels covering eye surface get infected or irritated by allergies, lack of sleep, eye strain or injury. As a result, your eyes appear bloodshot. 

If your condition was a result of injury, get it checked by your Burbank Optometrist. Red eyes can also be a symptom of other eye conditions, such as pinkeye and sun damage. Always consult your doctor if over the counter eye drops don’t provide a solution. 

Night Blindness 

Night blindness described having poor vision in dim light or at night. This condition makes it hard to drive at night, walking through dark rooms and seeing stars. 

Night blindness occurs as a result of cell disorders responsible for controlling vision in dim lights. Other causes include: 

  • Nearsightedness 
  • Cataracts 
  • Vitamin A deficiency 
  • Glaucoma 
  • Cataracts 
  • Keratoconus 

Lazy Eye 

Lazy eye occurs when one eye develops poorly, becoming weak and tends to move “lazily” while the other one remains put. This eye condition is common in infants, adults, and children. 

Symptoms of Lazy Eye 

  • Wandering of one eye outward or inward 
  • Poor eye coordination
  • Poor depth perception 
  • Tilting head 
  • Abnormal vision screen test results 
  • Shutting or squinting an eye 

Crossed Eyes 

Crossed eyes, also known as strabismus describes a condition in which your eyes are misaligned. They look in different directions, and each eye focuses on a different object. 

Although it’s common in children, it can also occur in adults as a result of other medical conditions, such as stroke or cerebral palsy. 

Symptoms of Crossed Eyes 

  • Impaired vision 
  • Eye strain
  • Double vision
  • Headaches

Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Eye Conditions 

Most eye conditions can be treated when diagnosed on time. As such, it’s prudent to visit our Burbank Optometrist whenever you notice any changes in your vision. We will conduct thorough eye and vision exams to diagnose the underlying conditions and offer appropriate treatment. 

Ocular Surgery Treatment Options

Ocular surgery can treat some eye conditions, especially those that affect the muscles. Some of these surgeries include: 

  • Cataract surgery 
  • Laser eye surgery 
  • Eye muscle surgery 
  • Glaucoma surgery 
  • Corneal surgery 
  • Vitreo-retinal surgery 

Contact Our The Eye Care Center LTD in Burbank!

Are you looking for the best eye doctor in Burbank? Call our  Addison location at (630) 543-0607, Burbank office at (708) 599-0050 and Willowbrook office at(630) 969-2807 to schedule an appointment with our Burbank optometrists .

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